Appreciation Demo

Dawn and Oliver Jaksons

 There is the LGBTQ community and then there are people like Scott who live, breath, and are the LGBTQ community. Scott advocates tirelessly for justice and understanding and there is no one that epitomizes support, understanding, and leadership of this community better than him. He is there leading and advocating 24/7. There are many times that he goes from support groups, to news interviews, to fundraiser, etc. all in one day. Scott is selfless in this as there is no personal, or monetary gain, for him in doing so. He does it all with hugs, good humor, and a smile. On many, if not most, occasions he is the voice, and face, of the LGBTQ community in Oklahoma City and Oklahoma. He does it regardless of any personal danger or judgement that may come to him for it. His leadership of the Cimarron Alliance Equality Center and the LGBTQ community in Oklahoma is exemplary. Scott is a hero in the Oklahoma LGBTQIAP community and one of the best people we know.

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Etiam sed ante felis. Vivamus a est ut libero fermentum tristique eu quis tellus. Duis commodo tincidunt purus id consectetur. Nulla ac imperdiet turpis, vitae rutrum lectus. Aenean quis scelerisque nunc.

Etiam aliquam lacinia tortor at fermentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer non purus ut nisi pharetra posuere et aliquet arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur lacinia vulputate magna ut venenatis.

Life poster by Simon Bouchard

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